Coming Back


The Journal Book Garasi and Obrolan Keilmuan with a focus on Education, Social and Religious Issues is proud to announce that Volume 3 Number 1 will be published in April 2024.

The anticipation of the publication of this journal provides an opportunity for researchers, academics, and practitioners to explore the latest scientific contributions in the fields of education, social issues, and religion. This journal presents various articles, reviews and research that provide in-depth insights and valuable contributions in understanding current scientific issues.

The official publication date and complete contents of Volume 2 Number 2 will be announced later. We invite writers, readers, and scientific enthusiasts to enthusiastically welcome the presence of this journal.

Thank you for your support, and we hope that this journal can become a source of inspiration and insight for the scientific community.

Motivational Articles >> Empowering Minds, Inspiring Hearts










Information about the Journal

The Sibook Journal, titled "Journal Garasi Buku and Obrolan Keilmuan (Journal of Education, Social Issues, and Religion)," provides a comprehensive platform for scholarly engagement with a multifaceted structure. The journal's landscape begins with insights into the key contributors in the 'People' section, including editors and researchers, fostering collaboration within the academic community. The 'Contact Us' feature facilitates seamless communication, providing relevant contact information. The 'Editorial Team' section outlines the individuals responsible for guiding the content and publication processes. 'Peer-reviewers' detail the experts contributing to rigorous manuscript evaluations. Under 'Editorial Policies,' the guiding principles and policies shaping editorial decisions are elucidated. The 'Focus and Scope' and 'Section Policies' offer a clear perspective on the journal's thematic coverage and specific guidelines. The 'Peer Review Process' details the meticulous evaluation process, ensuring the quality of published work. Information on 'Publication Frequency' and an 'Open Access Policy' signals the commitment to timely releases and accessibility. Ethical considerations are highlighted in sections on 'Publication Ethics' and a 'Plagiarism Policy.' Further details include 'Reference Management,' 'Retraction and/or Corrections,' and 'Publication Fees,' ensuring transparency in processes. Authors are guided through submission processes in the 'Submissions,' 'Online Submissions,' and 'Author Guidelines' sections, with 'Copyright Notice' clarifying ownership rights. The 'Other' section includes miscellaneous information, 'Journal Sponsorship,' and 'Journal History.' A 'Site Map' aids navigation, and 'About this Publishing System' offers insights into the technical infrastructure. 'Visitor Statistics' gauge engagement, while the 'Archiving System' ensures content preservation. 'Indexing' details enhance the journal's visibility in scholarly databases, contributing to its academic impact.

Journal Garasi Buku and Obrolan Keilmuan © 2023 by Yayasan Insanulhaq is licensed under Attribution 4.0 Internationalcc.svg?ref=chooser-v1by.svg?ref=chooser-v1


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