Educational Policy in the Era of Greco-Roman Influence in the Pre-Islamic Middle East


  • Dina Fahira Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang Author
  • Aria Nopriyansyah Studie Club 'Gerak Gerik Sejarah' Author
  • Agiel Laksamana Putra Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jurusan Agama dan Mistisisme, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran Author



Educational Policy, Greek Philosophy, Roman Empire, Ptolemy Dynasty


The progress of Islamic science in the past, which then peaked during the Abbasid dynasty, is often associated with the inheritance of pre-Islamic scientific treasures resulting from the conquest of former Roman colonies where Greek philosophy developed. The formulation of the problem in this research is what was the educational policy in the era of Greco-Roman influence in the Pre-Islamic Middle East? The research method used is historical with heuristic, criticism, synthesis and historiography steps. The results of this research show that, although it is assumed that the educational policies of the Pre-Islamic era were considered good, an established and integrated educational management has not yet been formed. The teaching and learning structure is still simple by implementing a tutor system and not all philosophers have written down their works. Even though there are authorities such as the Ptolemy Dynasty in Egypt who built libraries and museums and commissioned the collection of intellectual works, there are no laws and regulations such as formulating curricula or establishing educational institutions/departments. So that educational activities are only concentrated in the centers or big cities of civilization.


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Author Biographies

  • Dina Fahira, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

    Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

  • Agiel Laksamana Putra, Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jurusan Agama dan Mistisisme, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran

    Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jurusan Agama dan Mistisisme, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran


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 Journal Sibook- Vol. 2 No. 2 (Oktober 2024)



Conference Proceedings Volume


Journal Article


How to Cite

Educational Policy in the Era of Greco-Roman Influence in the Pre-Islamic Middle East (Dina Fahira, Aria Nopriyansyah, & Agiel Laksamana Putra , Trans.). (2024). Jurnal Garasi Buku Dan Obrolan Keilmuan, 2(2), 74-83.